Have a question about the time, place, amenities, and any other specific info concerning the event itself ? The organizer is probably the best person to contact.
If you already bought a ticket for the event, you have the possibility to contact the organizers directly on the Shotgun app :
Open the app and go to “My tickets” (it still works when the event has passed).
Click on the ticket to display the QR code.
Click on “Other” below the QR code.
Click on "Contact organizer" :
A form will open so you can write down your questions and concerns
Click on submit, and wait for the organizer’s reply !
If you don’t have a ticket for the event, the best way to contact the organizers is through their social media pages (Facebook, Instagram, etc). They tend to be very active there !
You can have a look at the organizer’s page on Shotgun : they sometimes add the links to their different social media, it’s easier to find them that way.
⚠️ Reminder : Be patient ! Event organizers deal with a lot stuff during an event season, specially a few days before and after the event, so it may take some time for them to reply.