Your credit card expired or was blocked, you closed your account and changed bank and you’re worried you won’t get your refund ? Don’t worry, let us explain.
⚠️ Reminder :
→ For safety reasons, a refund automatically goes back to the bank account linked to credit card used for the initial transaction.
→ Refunds take 5 to 10 business days to appear on your bank account : check the dates
I have another card but stayed with the same bank
If your card expired or was blocked but you remain in the same bank, the refund will be automatically sent to the bank account associated with your new credit card.
No action is required on your part, your bank will handle the process. Just keep in mind that the refund might take a little more time than usual to appear.
I closed my account and changed bank
Usually your former bank sends an email or the necessary information to help you retrieve your refund. However, if your bank account is closed, the funds may be held up. In this case, contact your bank directly: they can provide guidance on the specific steps to take next.
Your bank might ask you for an ARN reference number : if so, Contact us, we’ll be able to provide this number and help you get you refund back on the right account.