You came to an event with your Shotgun ticket, but you were denied entry, or asked to leave after entering ? You’re probably disappointed and now wish to get a refund : let us give you a few explanations.
The event logistics, in particular decisions at the door, are under the sole responsibility of the organizers.
As a ticket platform, we provide the event organizer with a service to help them create and sell tickets for their event. Organizers are completely autonomous when using the platform and set all the policies and guidelines for attendees themselves. Likewise, they are responsible for how they communicate about these guidelines or special conditions.
If you have any question about these policies or refund request, or have a complaint to file, you can contact the organizers directly following the instructions displayed in this article : I want to contact the event organizer
⚠️ Shotgun neither tolerates nor endorses any form of discrimination or inappropriate behavior from organizers or security at the door. We have a strict policy on this matter and we expect event organizers to comply with these principles when using our platform.
If you’ve had any problems of this kind, please report it to us immediately : we will investigate promptly to ensure the event atmosphere and values align with our commitment to inclusivity.